Why French weather woman report forecast naked, Santa Busted for Groping Female Elf and Emmy Award in trash

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 November 2013 0 komentar

Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week

Dead Ontario pilot listed Taylor Swift as next of kin

A Windsor, Ont., pilot who died in a crash in Nashville last month listed singer Taylor Swift as his next of kin in a case that continues to baffle investigators. Michael Callan, 45, crashed at Nashville International Airport at 2 a.m. on Oct. 29, but the wreckage wasn't

Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week

discovered until 8:45 a.m., Reuters reported at the time. It's unknown how Callan flew undetected over the border, why he turned off his transponder, or why he circled the Nashville airport for more than two hours before attempting to land, the Tennessean newspaper reported this week.
Police spokesman Don Aaron said Callan wasn't known in Nashville and investigators don't know what he was doing. Aaron said Swift was named as Callan's next of kin with his flying club in Windsor. Swift's publicist Paula Erickson said the singer didn't know the man.

Man finds Emmy Award trophy in trash

An Emmy Award statuette has been recovered from a box of trash placed outside a property in Brooklyn, NY. Construction worker Ismael 'Smiley' Cekic, 40, spotted the "cool-looking" item placed by the curb and took it home, although he only realized he had struck gold a few weeks later as he tuned in to watch the Primetime Emmy Awards on TV and noticed that the trophies being handed out to celebrities looked familiar.The prize's original honouree is unknown as the plaque at the base of the award is missing, but a source tells the New York Post, "It's definitely the real deal. It's very old - likely from ... the 1950s."
The Emmys, which were previously known as the Immys, were first handed out by officials at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in 1949 to recognize the best in the business. The statuettes, which weigh almost seven pounds (3.2 kilograms), are handcrafted from copper, nickel and gold and reportedly cost around $400 to make. Among the winner's at this year's Primetime Emmy Awards were Michael Douglas, Claire Danes, Jeff Daniels and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who all showed off their trophies following the ceremony.

Nudist says naked pictures of his daughters are family portraits

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UPI) -- A South Florida man is defending himself in court after being charged with taking pornographic photographs of his three young daughters and sharing them by saying that the photos are standard family portraits for a nudist family. A grand jury didn’t agree with the assessment of Brian Martens and voted to indict the 53-year-old on one count of producing child pornography and one count of receiving child pornography.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bill  Matthewman viewed the photographs during a hearing Wednesday in federal court in West Palm Beach. "Several of these photos the court has reviewed are lascivious. … They are, in the court's opinion, sexually explicit," Matthewman said. Martens  is being held without bail because he is a flight risk and he poses "a clear risk of danger to the community, and specifically to his daughters." According to prosecutors, the girls were between ages 8 and 12 when the photographs were taken. James Eisenberg, Marten's attorney, said that his client hired a professional family photographer to take the shots while he was living at a nudist colony

Mall Santa Busted For Groping Female Elf, 18

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NOVEMBER 25--A 62-year-old mall Santa Claus was arrested Saturday after allegedly pinching the buttocks of an 18-year-old woman who worked with him as an elf photographer, police report. Herbert Jones was arraigned this morning in a Massachusetts court on an indecent assault and battery charge. Free on $1000 bail, Jones is next due in court on Christmas Eve on the felony count. A District Court judge directed Jones, pictured in the adjacent mug shot, to stay out of the Hanover Mall, and barred him from dressing up as Santa Claus for the balance of the holiday season.

According to a Hanover Police Department report, the elf told officers that “she walked by Santa who was in his chair at which point he reached up and pinched her buttocks.” Jones and the teenager work for a company that describes itself as “providing Santa Photographic services to the mall during the holiday season. ”The teen said that after the pinching she reported the incident to her manager, who later told her that “Santa wanted to speak with her.” When she subsequently met with Jones, he began to yell at her, saying “I would never have done something like that!” Prior to the pinching, the woman told cops, Jones told her, “I wish you were a few years older and I was younger.”A female coworker told police that she saw Jones “reach up in the area’s of [the victim’s] behind.” The witness said that while she was “unsure if his hand actually made contact” with the victim’s buttocks, the elf later reported “that Santa ‘pinched her butt.’”

Women arrested after preschooler apparently high

OKLAHOMA CITY - The grandmother and great-aunt of an Oklahoma preschooler have been arrested after their four-year-old charge turned up in class smelling of marijuana and apparently high from the drug, police said on Monday. Police in Edmond, just north of Oklahoma City, arrested the 53-year-old grandmother and 52-year-old great-aunt on Friday on suspicion of marijuana possession and smoking the drug in the presence of a child.
Police were called to Cross Timbers Elementary School on Friday when the young boy was acting strangely in class. They questioned the grandmother and great-aunt, who admitted to smoking marijuana before dropping the boy off. The women were then taken into custody and the boy was released to his mother, who was not involved in the incident, Edmond Police said.

French weather woman fulfills promise to report nude if France qualified for World Cup

The French soccer team really would have been kicking themselves if they had failed to qualify for the World Cup…
French model-turned-weather-reporter Doria Tillier promised to report the forecast naked if France secured their place at the World Cup in Brazil. When France won 3-0 over the Ukraine to lock a spot at the 2014 event, the 27-year-old kept her word and an abrupt warm front swept through Tillier’s broadcast on Wednesday. As she ran nude through a field, the cameras were set up at a distance that didn’t allow viewers to see Tillier too clearly

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Kid bring sex toy for school show and tell, a new stadium looks like a vagina and Man collects 595 pizza boxes from 42 countries

Posted by Unknown Senin, 18 November 2013 0 komentar

Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of this week


Drink driver allowed living inside car despite being banned from using it

A drink-driver has been told he is allowed to live in his car, even though he has been banned from driving it for 14 months. Egidijus Sakalauska, 24, was also fined £300 after admitting drink-driving. Sakalauska, a lorry driver who came to the UK from Poland three months ago, told Cambridge magistrates he lived in his car in Tilbury, Essex.  

Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of this week

He then asked: “Can I still do that now I am banned?” Chief magistrate Claire Robinson replied: “We’ve heard you sleep in your car, but that is no excuse to drive it – so do not be tempted.”Police in Cambridge stopped Sakalauska at 1.30am on October 27 when he was seen driving very slowly with faulty lights on his Toyota Avensis. He had 54mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

Man collects 595 pizza boxes from 42 countries

Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of this week
A New York man with a collection of 595 pizza boxes from 42 countries was awarded a Guinness World Record for his hobby. Scott Wiener, who runs a pizza tour company that takes visitors to pizzerias and "points of pizza interest," was awarded the record for largest collection of pizza boxes as part of Thursday's Guinness World Records Day, the World Record Academy reported Monday. Wiener's collection includes boxes from 42 countries and he has published a book titled "Viva La Pizza! The Art of the Pizza Box.

California girls found guilty of defamation for calling teacher 'perv' and 'creeper'

Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of this week
Nov. 18 (UPI) -- A California jury has ruled in favor of a teacher whom students called a "perv" and "creeper" and found the children and their parents financially liable for defamation to the tune of $362,653 in compensatory damages In addition to those unflattering names, the schoolgirls said that former Catholic school physical education teacher John Fischler, 49, inappropriately touched kids and peeked into their restroom. The case began in 2011 when administrators at Holy Spirit school in Almaden Valley were informed that Fischler had inappropriately touched students and spied in the bathroom. He was later cleared of those charges by police and school officials.
After returning to a work environment he called “poisonous,” Fischler filed a lawsuit seeking nearly $1 million in damages. As part of the verdict handed down on Friday, the Santa Clara County Superior Court panel also found that one of the girls acted with malice and is also liable for punitive damages. Fischler's lawyer, Robert Vantress, argued that the families and the children didn’t only discuss the concerns they had about his client in order to promote safety, they basically gossiped about the situation. "I'm grateful the jury was able to see through the smoke screen and the truth came out." Fischler said. "There's always going to be a scar. But the jury saw through the deception." The families and their attorneys cautioned that this sort of ruling could have a big effect on the reporting of school abuse.

Qatar World Cup stadium looks like a vagina

Qatar World Cup stadium dubbed an accidental vagina
One of nine new stadiums being built in Qatar ahead of the 2022 World Cup has been likened to a vagina after plans were unveiled.According to architects Zaha Hadid and Aecom, the design of the Al Wakrah stadium was inspired by the flowing shape of a dhow, a traditional sailing vessel used by pearl divers and fishermen in the region for centuries. But the reaction has been much more prosaic, with blogs immediately saying the 40,000 capacity stadium in fact resembled a vagina.
Writing in the Guardian, Holly Baxter, co-founder and editor of the Vagenda blog, applauded the design, unintentional or not. ‘Perhaps the bigwigs behind the design (no doubt all male) should embrace this so-called faux pas and rebrand it as a deliberate nod towards the increasingly liberal Qatari policies concerning women in sport,’ she wrote. ‘In a world where sport and vaginas very rarely come together with such prominence (see every UK female footballer’s salary versus every UK male footballer’s salary), this can only be a good thing. And after all, why not have 45,000 people crammed inside a woman’s reproductive system? It’s not like they haven’t been there before.’

Kids bring sex toy for school show and tell

A BONE from granny before she was cremated, a blob of fresh earwax, a dead owl and baby brother's placenta. Who knew that these are things that children whip out of their

Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of this week

schoolbags on show and tell day? Mums have revealed the cringe-worthy items that make it from home to the classroom on a Facebook page set up by Queensland mother Sam Jockel. The School Mum page was created a few months ago and now has more than 50,000 likes.
Mums love to share the funny things that kids do and have a laugh about it. Some of the stories are really funny and my husband Simon is s schoolteacher so I can relate,'' said Ms Jockel, a mum of two from Clontarf, on Brisbane's north side
Wouldn't you love to see the look on the teacher's face when an excited pupil opens a shoebox to reveal "mummy's rocket ship that lights up and vibrates''?
Or mummy's breast pump or a bra "because it's so enormous''?
"My daughter Eden is six and has started show and tell so I'll be keeping a close eye on my underwear,'' said Ms Jockel.
In one class the kids were told to bring in something old, so one bright spark brought in nanna. Makes sense.
And what kid doesn't love the chance to show off when they have a captive audience?
"My first son took a crocodile skull that we had bought in Darwin years before. We found out he told the class daddy had wrestled it and kept the skull as a souvenir,'' said one mum.
Wouldn't you love to see the look on the teacher's face when an excited pupil opens a shoebox to reveal "mummy's rocket ship that lights up and vibrates''?
Or mummy's breast pump or a bra "because it's so enormous''?
"My daughter Eden is six and has started show and tell so I'll be keeping a close eye on my underwear,'' said Ms Jockel.
In one class the kids were told to bring in something old, so one bright spark brought in nanna. Makes sense.
And what kid doesn't love the chance to show off when they have a captive audience?
"My first son took a crocodile skull that we had bought in Darwin years before. We found out he told the class daddy had wrestled it and kept the skull as a souvenir,'' said one mum.
A teacher reveals: "In my 26 years as a teacher I've had kids bring dogs, cats, geese, horses, lizards, snakes, baby brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandads, photos, souvenirs, funny jokes and sad stories but the big ticket show and tell was when one of my kids wanted to show and tell his dad's job ... he was a Care Flight chopper pilot and he brought the chopper to school.''
One inventive child proudly displayed her favourite Barbie relaxing on a "mattress'' made of a massive sanitary pad.
Another brought in the empty tin from karma sutra lollies.
Then there are the medical reveals. One boy showed off a pool tile that his sister had swallowed and he waited patiently for it to be removed at hospital so he could bring it to show his class..
Another held up a xray of his stomach showing a tap plug he had swallowed.
Then there is the reveal that adds a little chaos to the teacher's day.
"I had a child bring a wallaby into my classroom for show and tell, her parents were wildlife carers. It was jumping all around the room,'' posted a teacher.

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Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 13 November 2013 0 komentar

Woman busted having truck sex thinks cheeseburger is a sandal and Man Called 911 because Sex Partner Was Snoring like a Train



Top 5-Hair cutting attack has Ottawa cops concerned

OTTAWA -- A bizarre attack on a woman, who had her ponytail lopped off by a stranger, has police concerned. The victim, who had auburn hair, was in Little Italy at about 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning when police say the "unprovoked attack" happened. Police say the woman was grabbed from behind by the suspect who ran away after she fought him
Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week

off but not before cutting off her ponytail. "We are definitely looking into it, obviously there's concerns," said Ottawa police Det. Chelsea Bull. "The nature of it is strange."
It is unknown if the suspect kept the hair. The woman refused to speak with QMI Agency. No other reports have surfaced so far but police did not elaborate on what a possible motive may be. "It's not just weird, it's violating," said women's safety advocate Julie Lalonde.

Top 4-Bride may have blindfolded husband, then pushed

Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week
Federal prosecutors believe a Montana woman accused of shoving her new husband off a cliff at Glacier National Park during an argument may have blindfolded him before pushing him to his death, court documents show. The theory stems from “a piece of cloth” authorities retrieved near a ravine where the body of Cody Johnson, 25, was found, according to legal records filed late last week by defense lawyers that reference the theory. Jordan Graham, 22, was indicted last month on first- and second-degree murder charges tied to the July 7 death of Johnson, her husband of eight days. Federal prosecutors have said that the Kalispell, Montana newlyweds argued that evening while hiking a steep trail at Glacier and that Graham shoved Johnson off a rock ledge “due to anger” and then tried to cover up the crime by lying to investigators.
Graham’s attorneys argue that the death was accidental, that Johnson grabbed his wife’s arm during a marital dispute and that Graham pulled away even as she pushed him back. Michael Donahoe, senior litigator with Federal Defenders of Montana, said that U.S. attorneys have not disclosed any evidence of premeditation except for mentioning during a recent telephone conference call that “the government now believes Jordan placed a blindfold on Cody before pushing him off the ledge,” the court filings showed.

Top 3-Sister's $8M Lotto 6/49 lawsuit fails


 Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week
OTTAWA — Sam Haddad erupted into a happy dance and his supporters into noisy cheers outside the courthouse after a judge ruled Tuesday that his sister won't get a penny of his $16-million lotto winnings. Judge Robert Beaudoin concluded Leila Nahas' story of splitting the winning ticket then forgetting about it for months defied common sense.
But Haddad vowed to go after his sister for the cash he spent defending himself from her $8-million claim. Beaudoin suggested the divisive court battle may have been motivated by bitterness. While Nahas said she didn't need the money, she got just $25,000 from her newly minted millionaire brother while her other brothers had their mortgages paid off, Beaudoin said. "Her unhappiness with her unequal treatment is another possible answer as to why she pressed this claim," he said. "The action has divided a once-proud family. This trial is over but angry feelings will haunt this family for the foreseeable future." Nahas left the courthouse without talking to reporters. She had claimed she paid $1 towards the winning 6/49 ticket that her brother shared with his barber, Mike Dettorre, for the $32-million jackpot.

Top 2-Woman busted having truck sex thinks cheeseburger is a sandal

Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week 

Do you want fries with that sandal? A 25-year-old woman caught have sex in the back seat of a Dodge truck was so wasted she tried to slip a cheeseburger on her foot when police told her to get dressed. The Loganville-Grayson Patch reports that a police officer caught the couple having sex in the parking lot of the Waffle House in a Loganville, Ga., at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. The couple was told to get dressed and show ID.
The 27-year-old man was quick to pull up his pants but the woman just went to the passenger's seat and wouldn't comply. The Patch reports the woman had to be told several times to get dressed and when she finally did, "she attempted to put a cheeseburger on her foot as if it were a sandal."  Police said the truck had a "strong smell of alcohol," and the couple had trouble speaking clearly and walking. Both took a breath test and failed badly. They are charged with public drunkenness and loitering.

Top 1-Man Called 911 Because Sex Partner Was "Snoring Like a Train"

Trending top 5 Weird, Funny and sizzling news of this week
A Wisconsin man called 911 early Sunday morning and asked for assistance in removing a snoring woman from his bed, police report. Benjamin Duddles, 41, dialed police around 4:20 AM to say that he wanted “a female removed from his bed,” adding that he was not sure “how she got into his apt.” He subsequently reported that he had let the woman into his home and she “just went into his bed and fell asleep.”The woman, Duddles complained, was “now snoring like a train and he wants her out.”

When officers arrived at Duddles’s Waukesha residence, he revealed they “drank together, had relations and she fell asleep.” After repairing to his living room, Duddles returned to his bedroom and could not roust the snoring woman, “so he called police,” according to a Waukesha Police Department report. The unidentified woman was “found to be fine medically, just has sleep apnea.”
Cops advised Duddles that a snoring woman in his bed was not a police matter since he had allowed her into his home. Duddles, who was not arrested, was “provided the comfort of his couch for the evening” and directed to “work out the ‘issue’ in the morning.”

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