Tears Love Wallpapers | Painful Rain Wallpapers | Tears Wallpapers

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
  Tears Love Wallpapers,Painful Rain Wallpapers,Tears Wallpapers

 Tears Love Wallpapers



Miss You

I miss your beautiful smile
i miss the sound of your voice
i miss your warm caring touch
and the hugs that meant so much

I miss your cute sayings
and the way you laugh
i miss your beautiful face
and the way you stop your bike outside my place

I miss our long convos
and the way you make me smile
i miss the joy on my face
when your right here at my place

What i miss the most
is having you in my arms
holding you tight
the love i feel is so righ

Painful Rain Wallpapers


I sit right here
with nothing to fear
noone to hold
my heart broken and cold

Know one does know
emotions i not show
crying inside
difficult to hide

She is the one
why not grab the gun
and put it to my head
bullet will ease the pain, so i said

No more tears
no more fears
no more strife
no more life

One little knife
ending my life
put it to the plug
fit it nice and smug

Electricity through my vein
no more life, no more pain
fall to the ground
i scream no sound.

Tears Wallpapers



If you say you love him
and want to be with him
and not me
ill break down

If you say you care about me
and i mean alot
but you just want to be friends
ill break down

If you say you dont feel the same
and that everything will be okay
and give me a hug
ill break down

If you leave me
if your not in my life
if you dont love me
ill break down

Please say you feel the same
i cant stand just being your friend
if you dont... ill just...
ill break down

   The tears run down,
its all because of you!

My arm bleeds,
its all because of you!

My heart aches,
its all because of you!

My lifes gone,
its all because of you!

I cant take it anymore,
its all because of you!

Im dead,
its all because of you!

I hope your happy,
coz this is all because of you...

A tear builds up
in the eyes of a broken heart
about to fall
right from the start

The tears of my love
for the way i feel for you
the feeling i wish you felt for me
the love which is true

The way you smile
and be my friend
my heart is broken
and it needs to mend

The heart can fix
if you say you love me
be with me, please
you got me on my knee

I might be begging
i might be obsessed
the love i feel so much
is breaking apart my chest 
Judul: Tears Love Wallpapers | Painful Rain Wallpapers | Tears Wallpapers
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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