Why Amazon still feature porn as teen books for girls, whale bone porn news and looking fee in a store

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Maret 2013 0 komentar

World's Top Five Weird, Funny and Hot News of March 27, 2013

Very interesting news includes teen books for girls as porn and looking fee in Aussie store


Stupid or good idea for leaving baby in car….



Baby left in car with note saying mom went shopping

A woman in New Zealand is under fire for leaving her newborn baby in the car along with a note saying the mother had gone grocery shopping. A concerned onlooker snapped a photo of the infant asleep in a car seat with the unusual note on top on their
blanket Saturday morning in the parking lot of the Porirua Pak 'n Save, the New Zealand Herald reported. "It was written from the baby's perspective, and it said, 'My mum's in doing the shopping, call her if I need anything', and it had the cellphone number," the witness said. The unidentified man and his wife waited outside the store for the mother to come out. Eventually, another worried passersby phoned the mother to return.  A police spokeswoman told the Herald they are not investigating the case because they didn't receive any formal complaints

New way to get money from customers…

Pay $5 'just looking fee in Aussie store

If you walk into Celiac Supplies in Brisbane, Australia, look around, then try to leave empty-handed, you may be forced to pay up. The store, which sells gluten-free products, charges a $5 fee for "just looking." A sign on the store's door, posted online by Reddit user BarrettFox, reads: "There has been high volume of people who use this store as a reference and then purchase goods elsewhere. These people are unaware our prices
are almost the same as the other stores." The store's owner, Georgina, told the AAP newswire she's "had a gutful of working and not getting paid." "I'm not here to dispense a charity service for Coles and Woolworths to make more money," said the woman, who didn't give her last name. Australian Retailers Association executive director Russell Zimmerman told the Australian newspaper the charge is a bad idea, since friendly customer service can help small businesses stand out.

Nice payback for interview

Sarah Thomson offered to 'bed' Conrad Black for interview, column alleges

TORONTO - Maclean’s columnist Barbara Amiel says former Toronto mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson offered to “bed” her husband, former newspaper tycoon Conrad Black, in exchange for an interview. Amiel levelled the allegation in a recent column in the magazine, where she writes about the Steubenville rape case which concluded with the conviction of two Ohio high school football stars. But in the middle of the piece, Amiel alleged that the Women’s Post publisher propositioned Black to score the exclusive interview. “Around 2002, publisher Thomson offered, using normal scatology, to “bed” my husband in return for him granting an interview to her newspaper,” Amiel wrote. “Though the proposition did not intrigue him, Conrad found it very enterprising and endorsed her for mayor in the last election.”

Not good idea for bad drawing on face….

Man Assaulted Roommate Who Drew Penis on His Face After He Passed Out

The 31-year-old Virginia man fell asleep on his couch early Saturday after an evening of heavy drinking. While Watson was incapacitated, one of his roommates retrieved a permanent marker and drew a penis on Watson’s face. When Watson awoke and discovered “male genitalia on his face,” he attacked his roommate, leaving the victim with “extensive injuries to his face,” according to an Arlington County Police report. Arrested on a malicious wounding charge, Watson was booked into the county jail, where the above mug shot was taken. An examination of his left cheek reveals that remnants of the impromptu penis remained when Watson posed for his booking photo.
Another way to get publicity….
Woman outraged by 'whale bone porn'
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 26 (UPI) -- A British Columbia woman said she wants the Vancouver Maritime Museum to deep six a display of whale bones with sexually explicit 19th century engravings.
Ann Pimentel, a mother and school teacher, said her 2- and 3-year-old children were needlessly exposed to the "whale bone porn" without any warnings that the scrimshaw -- etchings on hard surfaces from the bodies of sea creatures -- would include sexually explicit images, the National Post reported Tuesday. Museum curator Patricia Owen said the pieces, part of the "Tattoo and Scrimshaw: The Art of the Sailor" exhibit, went on display last week and will remain until mid-October.The museum said Pimentel is the only person to have complained about the display, which is raised high off the ground, far above toddler height, and placed under a sign reading, "Hide Your Eyes! These pieces of scrimshaw are not intended for children.

Why this stuff is going on?

Amazon still featuring porn as 'teen books for girls"

It has been nearly four months since Martha Welter first alerted Amazon.com that a search for "teen books for girls" yielded scores of pornographic books on its website. Not only are the books still there, but dozens more have been added, many of them more graphic than before.
 What’s more, it appears that the books' publishers may be intentionally targeting these books to teen girls. For source documents and video coverage, check out the original piece at NBCChicago.com.As NBC5 Investigates first reported last December, Welter — a Chicago grandmother — logged on to Amazon the Monday after Thanksgiving to look for a Christmas present for her 12-year-old granddaughter."I always give books to my grandkids for Christmas," she said at the time.Welter, a frequent Amazon shopper, began her search by typing the word "teen" into Amazon’s search box. A drop-down menu suggested a search for "Teen Books for Girls," so she clicked on it, and then looked for the newest books available. "I go through the first page, and that’s fine," she said. "And I go to the second page, and there I find adult picture books — adult, pornographic picture books. “And not just a few: NBC5 Investigates replicated Welter’s search at the time, and found that 91 out of a total of 140 books featured as Amazon’s newest "teen books for girls," were, in fact, adult picture books, most with graphic covers that were impossible to avoid while paging through the search results. Welter immediately alerted Amazon. "I [couldn’t] imagine that they would be doing this intentionally," she said.
It took a few days, but she finally got a rather baffling email response from an Amazon customer service representative. "Hello," it said: "From your message I understand that you have seen some Pornographic books in recent releases of books for teen girls. I appreciate you taking the time to share your opinions about website information. We introduced this feature so that individuals using our web search feature would be presented with the opportunity to discover related items of interest." "Who do they think is 'interested'?" Welter said. "Me or my teen granddaughter?" The customer service email continued: "I’ve passed your message on to the appropriate people in our company. ... Thank you for your inquiry. Did I solve your problem?" Since the answer was no, Welter continued to send emails and write letters in an effort to get Amazon.com to take down the books, with no results. NBC5 also sent several emails and left even more voice mails for Amazon. he company never responded, and the "books" remained online into the new year. Now, they’ve multiplied.

Baca Selengkapnya ....

Twitter catches man watching porn, Wife holds cheating husband Craigslist sale and 2.2 million bowl in garage sale

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 Maret 2013 0 komentar

World's Top Five Weird, Funny and Hot News of March 20, 2013

Very interesting news includes twitter and porn, husband on sale and man try to eat $100.

Top 5-Very good idea keep city clean…


Portable urinals set up in Danish capital


COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 20 (UPI) -- Officials in the Danish capital have installed portable plastic urinals in a city square to prevent men from urinating in doorways and on park benches. The Copenhagen City Council said the mobile urinals, essentially large plastic funnels that direct the urine into city sewers, have been installed in the Stroget area in the city's center to prevent men from drunkenly using benches, doorways and corners as toilets, The Copenhagen Post reported Wednesday.Claus Robl head of the Center for Renhold, which is responsible for daily cleaning in the city's public areas, said the portable urinals were originally designed for the Distortion music festival and were tested in the Stroget area last weekend. "It's something we developed for the Distortion music festival to create an easy, simple solution to an urban problem that can be set up and taken down easily," Robl told the Politiken newspaper. "We did not get nearly as many complaints about people urinating on the walls of houses or on garden gates."

Top 4-Caught red-handed…

Guard stole $100, tried to eat

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, March 20 (UPI) -- A security guard at a United Arab Emirates airport is accused of stealing a $100 bill from a U.S. woman and attempting to swallow it with water. The woman and her husband, who is a commercial pilot, said the man, identified in court documents as H.A., 33, took the cash from the woman's handbag at Dubai International Airport and attempted to hide it in his pocket, Gulf News reported Wednesday. The husband said he confronted H.A. and the security worker then put the bill in his mouth and attempted to use water from a nearby cooler to wash it down. H.A., who pleaded not guilty to a theft charge, told the Dubai Court of First Instance the money fell on the ground while he was searching the bag and he put it in his pocket with the intention of returning it to the woman.

Top 3-Lucky to get $2.2 million in garage sale

Bowl found at garage sale fetches over $2.2 million at auction

NEW YORK - A 1,000-year-old Chinese bowl that was bought for a few dollars at a garage sale in New York state sold for more than $2.2 million at auction on Tuesday. An unnamed New York family bought the “Ding” bowl, which is from the Northern Song Dynasty, for no more than $3 in 2007 and displayed it on a mantelpiece with no idea as to its real worth, Sotheby’s said. After consulting with experts, the owners consigned the bowl for auction. Sotheby’s estimated it would sell for $200,000 to $300,000. London dealer Giuseppe Eskenazi paid $2,225,000 including commission for the bowl, which measures just over five inches (12.7 cm) in diameter, at the auction in New York City. Sotheby’s said the only known bowl of the same form, size and almost identical decoration has been in the collection of the British Museum in London for more than 60 years.

Top 2-Very nice lesson….

Lying cheating husband sale

Wife holds cheating husband sale

A JILTED wife has posted a Craigslist ad selling all her husband's belongings while he is 'gone with his floozie.' The woman from White Rock, British Colombia, said in the ad that she was moving house after 10 years of marriage and had 'too many items to list.' "Selling his favourite red leather theatre seating sofas," the ads reads. "Lots of tools which he didn't have a clue how to use." "There will not be any of his clothes for sale though as we will have already burned those in the driveway. However you can see the ashes of his clothes that he is going to see, for no additional charge," she says. "Don't come too early," the ad warns. "I will be thoroughly enjoying some wine with my girlfriends this evening as we clean out all this stuff and likely to be nursing hangovers in the morning. So please speak softly to the ladies wearing the sunglasses. ;)" "Life is too short to waste time. God put my eyes in the front of my head for a reason. I am looking forward to moving forward!," she says in the ad.

Top 1-How this incident happen in office time?

Porn tweet

Twitter catches man watching porn 

OCCUPATIONAL health and safety issues abound after a Queensland man was caught watching porn in the office. And his image was retweeted thousands of times.  CAUGHT in the act. A man has been left red-faced after a picture of him watching porn in the office was tweeted on the internet yesterday by a man working in an office across the road. Brisbane's James P noticed the occupational health and safety issue yesterday, tweeting, "the guy watching porn at work across the road is back, doesn’t realise our whole office can see him! “In a response to a tweet betting "the blinds are shut tomorrow", James confirmed, "I doubt it, he's been doing it for ages!".
"Yeah but presumably not in front of Twittworld," the user responded. "Wonder if his boss is on Twitter?""That’s why I didn’t geotag this tweet!"The tweet had been re-tweeted over 2,600 times since its initial post yesterday afternoon. This morning, it had been deleted."He saw us all watching him towards the end of the day. We have him a round of applause, he closed his screen down…"Not exactly the happy ending he was hoping for, eh?
Meanwhile, it seems perusing pornography in public is more common than one might think. Footage of a man watching X-rated vision on a Sydney bus last month was captured by a fellow passenger and sent to news.com.au in light of this article. The passenger was on her way home with her sister when she noticed the man in front of her watching a video on his phone in the bus window reflection. "I thought nothing of it until I saw a topless girl jumping on top of a guy and realised he was watching porn," she told news.com.au. "The guy got off at the last stop with me and continued to watch it as he walked."
Maybe happy endings do exist, after all.

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