How a Man stuck penis in a toaster, Man snuck into ex-wife's bedroom for ATM card over 5 years and no more 'virginity certificates'

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Here are top five trending weird, sizzling and funny news of Oct 15, 2013

Top 5-How Vatican misspells 'Jesus' on papal medals

ROME - The Vatican has withdrawn thousands of official papal medals from sale after discovering they had misspelled Jesus' name. A Latin inscription around the edge of the

medals to mark the first year of Pope Francis' pontificate referred to "Lesus".The medals, produced in gold, silver and bronze by the Italian State Mint, went on sale in official Vatican stores on Oct. 8 but were withdrawn two days later after the error was noticed, the Vatican Publishing House said. The inscription is Francis' papal motto, taken from a meditation by the 8th-century English monk the Venerable Bede on a passage of the Gospel in which Jesus calls St. Matthew to be an apostle. That reads on the Vatican website: "Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum, et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi, 'Sequere me'" or "Jesus therefore sees the tax collector, and since he sees by having mercy and by choosing, he says to him, 'follow me'". Before they were withdrawn, four people purchased medals displaying the error, which could fetch high prices on rare coin markets, Italian media reported.

Top 4-Wife fakes kidnapping to dupe ransom from husband

ONITSHA, Nigeria - A Nigerian woman faked her own kidnapping to extort a $1,200 ransom from her husband, police said on Tuesday, in a region of the west African nation plagued by abductions. Authorities arrested the woman and her accomplice, a motorcycle taxi man who helped her stage it, after tracing the bank account given for her husband's payment of 200,000 naira ($1,200) to the taxi man himself. "They have confessed to the crime and we are corroborating our investigation to be able to charge them in court," said Ebere Amarizu, a police spokesman in Enugu state. Kidnapping for ransom is rife in southern Nigeria, particularly in the oil-producing Delta region, in the ethnic Igbo area to the north of it, where Enugu lies, and the commercial hub of Lagos. In some cases, police suspect the victims collude with their abductors. The multi-million dollar criminal enterprise pushes up the insurance and security costs for businesses, including foreign oil majors who have often been targeted in the past.

Top 3-Physicians' college forbids 'virginity certificates'

MONTREAL — Quebec's college of physicians is threatening to fine any members who issue virginity certificates. "A virginity certificate is not a medical act," said Dr. Charles Bernard, president of the college, while acknowledging that the attestations are rarely issued. Virginity certificates attest to the structural integrity of a woman's hymen.
The college took a stand in issuing the decree Thursday to its 21,000 members. Some ethnic groups require that a woman be a virgin when she gets married. Bernard said any doctor who is asked to provide such a certificate faces a dilemma given that their patients could face consequences in their communities if they don't have the document. The college has also asked its members to refer troubled women to social workers, psychologists or the Department of Youth Protection

Top 2-Man snuck into ex-wife's bedroom for ATM card over 5 years

LIVERPOOL, England, Oct. 15 (UPI) -- An English judge Monday ordered a man to repay his brother-in-law's savings, which he drained by sneaking into his sleeping ex-wife's house for the ATM card. Bernard Young, 48, was spared prison on condition that he repays almost 36,000 pounds ($58,000), the Daily Mirror reported. A judge in Liverpool Crown Court entered the order at a proceeds of crime hearing.
Young had already pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12 months, suspended for two years, and 200 hours of community service. Prosecutors said Young began tapping his brother-in-law's bank account in 2007 while he was still married. After he and his wife, Lynn, separated, he continued to do so, keeping a key to her house and sneaking into her bedroom, where she kept the ATM card. His wife was her brother's caretaker. Over five years, Young, in amounts ranging from $200 to $250, drew on the account weekly, amassing enough money to buy and refurbish a canal barge boat he docked in Wigan, Greater Manchester. "Young was aware she kept her handbag in the bedroom while she was asleep," Sarah Holt, the prosecutor, said. "He went into the bedroom, went to her handbag and took the card. He made the withdrawals and then went back to the house to place the card back in the bag, which was undisturbed." Lynn at one point told her husband she feared an intruder was getting into the house. But she then dismissed her worries as "silly."


Top 1-London firefighters urge 'common sense' after penis freed from toaster

LONDON, Oct. 7 (UPI) -- The London Fire Brigade is asking the public to use some "common sense" after firefighters assisted a man whose penis was stuck in a toaster. The Fire Brigade said the 1,300 emergency calls involving people stuck or trapped since 2010 included a man with his penis stuck in a toaster, an adult stuck in a child's toy car and 79 people who were unable to free themselves from handcuffs donned for amorous purposes, The Mirror Reported Monday.
"Some of the incidents our firefighters are called out could be prevented with a little common sense," Third Officer Dave Brown said. "I don't know whether it's the 'Fifty Shades' effect, but the number of incidents involving items like handcuffs seems to have gone up." The calls also included nine men with rings stuck on their privates, four people with their hands stuck in blenders and five people with their hands stuck in paper shredders
Judul: How a Man stuck penis in a toaster, Man snuck into ex-wife's bedroom for ATM card over 5 years and no more 'virginity certificates'
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