University accidentally sends nude pictures to students; Girl Scout cookies support 'lesbianism and Hunter misses’ moose, shoots man on toilet

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Trending Top 5 weird, funny and sizzling news of Oct 24 2013

Hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet (unlucky)

hit a man sitting on the toilet in a nearby cabin on Thursday, police said. The bullet whizzed past the animal, pierced the wooden wall behind it and struck the man, in his

seventies, in the stomach, the force told public broadcaster NRK. The victim was flown by helicopter to hospital but his injury was not life-threatening, said the policeman who led the investigation, Anders Stroemsaether. The hunter was taken in for questioning in Hvaler district, about 120km southeast of the capital of Oslo, said the force. The moose escaped unscathed

Top 4a-Dad makes adorable LED stick-man

With Halloween less than a week away, photographer Royce Hutain has set the bar high for unique kid costumes. The Huntington Beach, Calif., dad, who goes by the alias Visual Burrito on YouTube, posted a video of his toddler wearing a homemade stick man costume this week.

Top 4-Girl Scout cookies support 'lesbianism,' pastor says

An American pastor is begging people not to eat Girl Scout cookies because he says the group promotes "lesbianism." "I don't want to support lesbianism, I don't want to support Planned Parenthood and I don't want to support abortion, and if that be the case, I'm not buying Girl Scout cookies," Kevin Swanson, a Colorado pastor who runs Generations Radio, said in an online broadcast posted to the website "Please, I beg of you, do not buy Girl Scout cookies," he added. Swanson is not the first to attack the cookies, which include varieties such as Dulce de Leche, Thank U Berry Munch, lemon-flavoured Savannah Smiles and thin mints. Earlier this year the Family Research Council called on people not to buy the cookies because the group says Girl Scouts have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. The Girl Scouts deny there is any relationship or partnership.

Top3-High school students sign contract banning sexy dancing

LACEY, Wash., Oct. 24 (UPI) -- A Washington state high school is requiring students who want to attend dances to sign a contract promising to abstain from sexually provocative dancing. Administrators at River Ridge High School in Lacey sent the "Dance Contract" home with students this month and required the documents to be returned with the signatures of the students and their parents before the pupils would be allowed to attend school dances, KCPA-TV, Seattle, reported Thursday. The contract says dancers "may not bend over more than 45 degrees while dancing," engage in "lap dancing" or otherwise "look like you're having sex" while moving to the music.  The contract states punishments could include being kicked out of the dance and being banned from future dances.

Top 2-Father burns daughter alive for contacting fiancé

DUBAI - A Yemeni father has burned his 15-year-old daughter to death for keeping in touch with her fiancé, police said, and sparking further outrage in Yemen, where an eight-year-old girl died from internal bleeding on her wedding night a month ago. Police said a 35-year-old man had been arrested after the teenager's death in a remote village in the central Taiz province. “The father committed this heinous crime on the pretext that his daughter had been keeping contacts with her fiancé," the police website said on Tuesday, giving no further details. Some local news websites reported that the father had caught the girl chatting by telephone with her fiancé Traditional tribal customs in parts of Yemen prohibit contacts between men and women before marriage. Poverty and concern about "family honour" prompts many Yemenis to marry off their daughters young, often below the age of 18, a practice that has been criticised by international rights groups. Yemeni authorities said last month they were investigating the death of the eight-year-old girl in northern Yemen, and that they would prosecute those responsible.

Top 1-University of Iowa TA accidentally sends nude pictures to students

IOWA CITY, Iowa, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- University of Iowa officials are investigating a teaching assistant who inadvertently emailed nude pictures to students instead of homework answers. Tom Moore, a spokesman for the school, said the math department

TA attached the nude pictures to an email sent to 28 pre-calculus students instead of the solutions to some math problems, the Iowa City Press-Citizen reported Thursday. Moore said he could not speculate on any consequences that could result from the investigation. "Ultimately, as a student, any discipline [if it occurs] would be non-public under [the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act]," he said. Some students sympathized with the TA, whose name has not been released. "This just goes to show that you have to double-check before you hit 'Send,'" said journalism student Kristina Gonzalez, 21. "I feel bad for her, but once it got out, there was no chance of stopping it." However, some said they believe the TA should face harsh consequences. "I think she should be fired," said computer science student Tim Miller, 22. "It was completely unprofessional."
Judul: University accidentally sends nude pictures to students; Girl Scout cookies support 'lesbianism and Hunter misses’ moose, shoots man on toilet
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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