Quitting job hilarious dance video, Woman killed; man loses legs after sex on train tracks and man sentencing then wedding

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Here are top five trending weird, sizzling and funny news of Oct 01, 2013



Top 5-Man Sentenced For Murder Then Weds Fiancée

SAN DIEGO — The bride wore white; the groom wore shackles.The marriage of Danne Desbrow and his fiancee, Destiny, came just minutes after he was sentenced to 53 years-to-life in prison for first-degree murder, U-T San Diego reported Monday.San Diego

Superior Court Judge Patricia Cookson officiated at both events. She even baked a cake for the Sept. 17 ceremony, the newspaper said. Cookson declined to respond to a request for comment from the newspaper. Desbrow was sentenced for the 2003 killing of Kevin Santos after a witness with key information came forward recently. His defense attorney argued Desbrow was defending himself in a fight. During the two-month trial, Desbrow proposed to his girlfriend. The two met in high school but lost contact after she became pregnant at 16, according to the U-T. They reunited in January after the mother tracked down Desbrow so their son could meet his father. Desbrow was in jail at the time awaiting trial. After Desbrow proposed, Cookson agreed to marry them, according to the U-T.

Top 4-Cheerleaders ticketed for performing in the road

LONDON, Ontario, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- A cheerleading coach at the University of Western Ontario in Canada said the team's captain was ticketed for leading a street-side cheer during homecoming. Coach David Tracey said team captain Max Gow led a cheer routine in the street in a student neighborhood in London while walking to Saturday's

homecoming game, the QMI Agency reported Monday. Tracey said police approached as three male cheerleaders were throwing a female cheerleader into the air. The officers told them they could not perform the routine in the street and Gow was issued a $136 ticket.
It's homecoming. Are we not supposed to generate spirit? We're the cheerleading team for goodness sake," Tracey said. The ticket said Gow was "causing a nuisance in the street by conducting a cheerleading performance." A police spokeswoman said she could not comment on the ticket until speaking with the issuing officer. Tracey said the street was already filled with people when the cheerleaders started performing. "If were truly blocking the street and tying up traffic and causing some kind of public disturbance then maybe I'd almost understand it, but not in this scenario," Tracey said.

Top 3-Watch woman quit her job through hilarious interpretive dance video to her bemused bosses

Marina Shifrin has become the envy of thousands after she quit her job in the most amusing way possible. Having given up her social life, relationships and time for her career producing news videos at a Taiwanese animation company, the American girl decided enough was enough. And in a direct attack at her boss, Marina created this video to show that sometimes, quality is more important than quantity. Set to the soundtrack of Kanye West's hit Gone, the confident youngster begins her message with "It's 4.30am and I am at work". She promptly starts dancing her way round the desks, computers, toilets and hallways of her company building. Subtitles throughout the video describe how her boss "only cares about quantity and how many views each video gets


Top 2-Why Anna Chapman won't chat about Snowden proposal

Ex-spy Anna Chapman made waves when she tweeted a marriage proposal to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, but despite the public nature of her message, she doesn't want to talk about it. When Chapman was asked about the Twitter proposal in an interview with NBC News, she ended the interview when it had barely begun. "I'm not going to discuss this," she said. Then, "The interview is finished. I'm sorry."

Chapman has a new ghosts-and-aliens television program airing in Russia, called "Mysteries of the World," but her rising profile has left her even more protective of her privacy. "I'm a very private, discreet person and I still don't do many interviews because I just don't like to share," she said. "I don't believe that people would be interested in knowing about somebody's life."Chapman was arrested in 2010 on suspicion on being part of a Russian spy ring while posing as a real estate agent in New York City. She was deported as part of a prisoner swap along with nine others.

Top 1-Not a good idea-Woman killed, man loses legs after sex on train tracks

A woman is dead and a man had both legs amputated by a train after the couple decided to have sex on train tracks in Kiev. They were walking home from a party early Saturday morning when they decided they wanted a "thrill" and became passionate on the tracks, Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a release on its website. A short time later, a railway manager called emergency crews about two people who were injured on the tracks. The woman, who was in her 30s, died at the scene while the 41-year-old man was taken to hospital.
Judul: Quitting job hilarious dance video, Woman killed; man loses legs after sex on train tracks and man sentencing then wedding
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