Erotic novelist seeks female companion for non-fiction love affair, man have orgasms with his thumb AND Tiger welcome woman in bathroom

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 April 2013 0 komentar

World's Top Five Weird, Funny and sizzling News of Apr 24, 2013

Top 5-Strapless dress bans in a school a good idea…

A New Jersey principal’s ban on strapless dresses at a junior high school dance because they would be “distracting” to boys has enraged parents, who called on Tuesday for its reversal on the grounds it violates their daughters’ constitutional rights.  The dress code

shreds the 14th Amendment right to equal protection since girls for the past six years have been wearing sleeveless fashions to the dance at Readington Middle School in Readington Township, New Jersey, said parent Charlotte Nijenhuis. Parents petitioned the school board on Tuesday to overturn the policy before the June 12th dance. The school’s principal, Sharon Moffat, said in a letter last month that a “dress with straps”
was the only style that would be allowed. Nijenhuis said she called Moffat to ask why strapless dresses had been forbidden. “She told me, ‘It is because it’s distracting to boys and inappropriate’,”’ Nijenhuis said. Moffat did not respond to a Reuters request for comment. Another parent, Michelle D’Amico, said she was “livid” that her 14-year-old daughter was being prevented from wearing the same strapless dress that her older daughter had worn six years ago. “It’s completely unjust,” D’Amico said.
(Source-By QMI Agency)

Top 4-Newlywed discovers husband already married through Facebook –what a surprise


An Australian woman discovered her new husband was already married after his first wife contacted her on Facebook. The 38-year-old Melbourne woman had a civil ceremony with the man, 40. When the man was asked to produce proof of his divorce, he told the celebrant his first marriage wasn't valid, the Melbourne Herald Sun reported. A short time after the wedding, the woman received a message through Facebook asking "How
can you be Mrs Keyet when I am still Mrs Keyet?" The woman told the first wife she should check her marriage records because it wasn't a valid marriage. The new couple separated, and the woman asked the first wife for a copy of the marriage certificate but wasn't convinced until a search of divorce registries showed no records of the first marriage being dissolved, the newspaper reported.
(Source-By QMI Agency)

Top 3-Tiger welcome woman in bathroom

A central Kansas woman likely won't remember her first circus for the clowns or performances — it'll be the tiger in the bathroom. The big cat had escaped briefly after its turn in the ring Saturday at the Isis Shrine Circus in Salina. Staff members blocked off the concourses at the Bicentennial Center as the tiger wandered into the bathroom, where one of the doors was blockaded. About that time, Salina resident Jenna Krehbiel decided she needed to use the restroom. When she walked in the door that hadn't been blocked off, she found a tiger standing about 2 feet away, The Salina Journal reported.
You don't expect to go in a bathroom door, have it shut behind you and see a tiger walking toward you," Krehbiel said. Chris Bird, manager at the Bicentennial Center, said the bathroom was only 25 feet long. "Once she saw the tiger, I'm sure she knew to go the other way," Bird said. "Overall, it was a scary, surreal moment. I am glad no one was hurt or injured." The tiger was captured within minutes and returned to its enclosure.

Top 2-Paralysed man learns to have orgasms with his thumb

A PARALYSED man has found a new way to enjoy sex, learning to orgasm when a woman caresses his thumb. Rafe Biggs, 43, from California, was left quadriplegic after breaking his neck when he fell from a roof. He lost all sensation below the waist and feared he would never again be able to experience sexual pleasure. But a year after the accident he experienced an orgasm when a girlfriend sucked and massaged his thumb. Mr Biggs, who now regards his thumb as a "surrogate penis," told the Sun: "I felt this build-up of energies and felt I was getting closer and closer to orgasm. "When I did it - it was amazing. I never thought it would be possible, but massaging and sucking on my thumb, feels a lot like my penis used to feel - it's really hot." Mr Biggs, who has launched a support group for people with disablities to enjoy sex, now has regular sessions with sex therapist Lisa Skye Carl who said:
"What Rafe is experiencing is a 'transfer orgasm' - where another place on the body gives the same sensation. He has significant reduction in pain after a session."

Top 1-Erotic novelist seeks female companion for non-fiction love affair

An experimental erotic novelist is taking ‘work experience’ to the extreme by offering an intern the chance to begin a love affair with him for his new book. Unorthodox author Chad Leslie Peters, who scored a top 20 hit on Amazon with 2011 release, The Affair: A Thirty Day Experiment in Love, now wants to write a non-fiction sequel. Posting on classified advertisements website Craigslist, the novelist explained he is seeking an open-minded female to help him with his unique project. ‘I am preparing to write the sequel to The Affair and I need your help,’ he wrote. ‘I plan on writing a non-fiction version of The Affair. ‘The book will detail every aspect of a mutually-agreed to romantic affair between myself and a young FEMALE lover (perhaps you), experienced over 30 days, as in the novel. I will then combine your written thoughts with my own to present the reader with two versions of the same erotic story.’ He also requests the participant, who will be chosen based on email correspondence, is at least 20 years old and practices safe sex. It’s certainly an imaginative, if not a little strange, approach to overcoming writer’s block.

Judul: Erotic novelist seeks female companion for non-fiction love affair, man have orgasms with his thumb AND Tiger welcome woman in bathroom
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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