Soft porn TV presenter refuses to wear ankle tag cost her work, who is Serial masturbator and police will get Lamborghini sports cars

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 12 April 2013 0 komentar

World's Top Five Weird, Funny and Hot News of Apr 13, 2013…


Top 5-Which police will get Lamborghini sports cars?

DUBAI - The city that boasts the world’s tallest building is equipping its police with $400,000 Lamborghini sports cars that Dubai’s deputy police chief says are in keeping with the Gulf capital’s image. They also go fast, since according to the website of

Lamborghini, an affiliate of the Volkswagen Group, all the Italian company’s cars reach 100 kph (60 mph) in well under six seconds. Major General Khamis Mattar Al Mazeina said that a fleet of Lamborghinis, each estimated to cost around $400,000, had been obtained by the Dubai police for use at main tourist sites. “The aim is to reflect the reputation of the emirate and the high stature it achieved,” Mazeina said. “It will also help promote tourism and showcase the security role the Dubai police plays in safeguarding the city,” he added.

Top 4-FBI Arrests Passenger For In-Flight Molest

APRIL 11--The FBI yesterday arrested a 39-year-old man for allegedly molesting a sleeping female passenger on an American Airlines flight en route from Miami to Regan National Airport in Virginia.Saurabh Agarwal was named today in a felony complaint charging him with engaging in abusive sexual contact with the victim, who is identified only by her initials, “R.C.L.” Agarwal, who was born in India and lives in Sterling, Virginia, is jailed in advance of a detention hearing tomorrow afternoon in U.S. District Court in Alexandria.
In a sworn affidavit, FBI Agent David Wiegand reported that “R.C.L” was seated next to Agarwal on American Airlines Flight 1142, which departed Miami around 5:45 PM. After falling asleep following departure, the woman awoke to find Agarwal “hugging her body, with his hand inside her bra, fondling her breast.” “Because of fear,” however, the woman “pretended to be asleep.” Wiegand noted that Agarwal “kept squeezing R.C.L.’s body tighter” and “squeezed her nipple.” The woman, who was in the window seat, told investigators that she “did not show that she was awake due to being scared of” Agarwal. When a flight attendant approached with a refreshment cart, Agarwal “moved off the victim,” only to subsequently return to touching her as she continued to pretend to be sleeping. Agarwal, Wiegand charged, also leaned up against the woman and “pressed his legs up against R.C.L.’s legs.”

Top 3-Stolen London laptop sends secret spy pictures of its new owners using it 3,000 miles away

When graphic designer Dom del Torto got an email telling him his stolen laptop had been located, he was naturally delighted. But the joy quickly turned to despair when he discovered the MacBook Pro was 3,000 miles away in Iran. And to make matters worse, the 41-year-old is regularly taunted by pictures from the machine’s webcam of the woman who now has it. But police have told him there is nothing they can do to get it back. Dom’s laptop was traced thanks to ­software called Hidden App he installed on it.
The miffed artist said: “It’s really strange and a bit frustrating but there’s no way of contacting people through the software. "You end up just being really voyeuristic and you can’t send them a message saying, ‘Excuse me that’s my laptop.’ "I called the police and told them my laptop had appeared and it was in Iran and they just laughed down the phone. What can they do? “Even if it was in Europe there would be little hope of recovering it.”Dom, from Islington, North London, was burgled on February 4. The thieves also snatched his iPad.Police drew a blank and he thought that was the end of the matter.Six weeks later he received the email from Hidden App telling him it had been found along with the map co-ordinates of its new location – an area of Iranian capital Tehran.That was followed by pictures of the new owner looking at the screen. In one, she has a baby’s bib on her head.


Top 2-Soft porn TV presenter refuses to wear ankle tag cost her work
A glamour model refused to wear an electronic ankle tag because it was an “eyesore” and would cost her work, a court heard. Sophie Dalzell, 19, was ordered to be fitted with the tracking device for not doing community service following a conviction for damaging a car. But after refusing to let security firm G4S fit it, she has been fined £200 with £75 costs instead. The topless model said: “A tag on my ankle wouldn’t look very good. It’s an eyesore. Your appearance is everything.” Dalzell was initially convicted of criminal damage in March last year. She was put on probation and sentenced to carry out 100 hours of unpaid community work. She failed to do all the hours and was order to wear the tag for eight weeks but appealed.
Her solicitor Matthew Wallace told Manchester magistrates’ court there was a dispute over whether she should have been tagged while her appeal was pending. “The problem was that at that time Miss Dalzell had a contract with an agency for TV-based glamour modelling.”She couldn’t do that with the tag on her ankle,” he said. “The matter was subject to an appeal. It was a question of whether the tag should be fitted in the interim. Dalzell, who was wearing a black dress, false eyelashes, bright red lipstick and diamond earrings in court, denied breaching the order. But she changed her plea to guilty after telling the court her trial date would conflict with a modelling job in Ibiza and the fine was imposed.


Top 1-Who is Serial masturbator?

VANCOUVER -- A man with a history of trailing young girls and women in Surrey, B.C. — and masturbating in front of them — will represent himself for an appeal of his latest exposures, a B.C. Supreme Court judge has decided. According to court records, Kenneth Paul Burgar has been convicted and sentenced for at least five separate “indecent act in public” charges dating back to 1998. His two latest cases date back to 2009 and 2010. Surrey RCMP said Thursday the arrests were due to the “smart thinking” of two groups of victims being followed in their cars by the masturbator. “In the 2009 incident, he pulled up beside two females in a vehicle … and was observed by the witnesses as exposing himself and masturbating,” Cpl. Bert Paquet said. In the latest incident, again in a vehicle, Burgar followed another female her passenger before she turned onto a side street to go home.
(Source-QMI Agency)

Judul: Soft porn TV presenter refuses to wear ankle tag cost her work, who is Serial masturbator and police will get Lamborghini sports cars
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