New cereal crave sex after eating, road rage victim only recall driver boobs and resignation letter on a cake

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 17 April 2013 0 komentar

Top Five Weird, Funny and sizzling news of April 17, 2013

Top 5-- Why Man bit off ear of wife's boyfriend?

A 51-year-old Australian man has been sentenced to five months in jail after biting off the ear of his estranged wife's new boyfriend during an argument. Rodney Mark Hudson

pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm in a Brisbane courtroom on Tuesday, the Brisbane Courier Mail reported. Court heard that Hudson and his wife were married for 18 years before separating in 2010. They had tried to reconcile, but in May 2012 the wife decided she wanted to "move on with her life." On July 6, the wife opened the door to her home expecting her new boyfriend, but it was Hudson asking her about phone calls and text messages to another man, the newspaper reported.
When the boyfriend arrived, Hudson punched him in the face and during a struggle bit his left ear "completely" off. Hudson's lawyer said it was "a fit of jealousy and rage. “The man's ear couldn't be reattached, and he's unable to wear a prosthetic ear. In addition to the jail sentence, Hudson received a two-year suspended sentence and voluntarily paid $112,000 in compensation.
(Source- QMI Agency)

Top 4-- Good Idea-Man writes resignation letter on a cake


Chris Holmes found a sweet way to quit his job. He resigned on a cake. Holmes' resignation letter was neatly written with black icing on a spiced carrot pecan cake covered in white fondant, the Guardian reported. The 31-year-old was a border officer at the Stansted Airport in Essex, U.K., and has a growing baking business called Mr. Cake that he wants to pursue full time. "Having recently become a father, I now realise (sic) how precous life is and how important it is to to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy," Holmes' cake read. He also presented management with a traditional letter. His son, Ben, is five-weeks old.
(Source- QMI Agency)

Top 3-- How Chiropractor damage breast implant

A judge in Sydney, Australia, awarded a woman $51,137 in damages after her chiropractor dislodged one of her breast implants while he adjusted her back in 2008. Amanda Jurkovic, 33, claimed the damaged implant destroyed her sex life and led to the breakdown of her marriage, the Daily Telegraph reports. Judge Michael Finnane ruled chiropractor Paul Hubbard was negligent because he failed to ask her if she had prior surgery or medical problems before "compressing her breasts" against the treatment table, the newspaper reported. Jurkovic, a beautician from Winmalee, said her deformed breast caused her to be too embarrassed to have sex with her husband and led to their separation.
She is a young, fit looking and attractive woman to whom her appearance is very important. She is entitled, in my opinion, to substantial compensation," Finnane said.
(Source- QMI Agency)

Top 3.1-Why Mom forces daughter, 9, into prostitution (bad society)


A 41-year-old woman is the first person convicted under Australia's child trafficking laws for prostituting her daughter starting when she was nine years old. The woman, who can't be named, pleaded guilty to 20 charges including child trafficking, indecent treatment of a child under 12 and maintaining a sexual relationship with a child, the Brisbane Courier-Mail reported. In 2004, the Thailand-born woman brought her daughter, 9, to Australia and sold her for sexual purposes, court heard. The girl returned to Thailand six weeks later. The woman ran a massage and prostitution business from her Brisbane home. In 2006, the 11-year-old left Thailand to live with her mother -- who advertised her daughter as the "new girl" -- and forced her child to take calls as a sex worker until 2011, the newspaper reported. Court was also told the mother had expectations of marrying her off for money. The judge rejected defence claims that the child wasn't sold into servitude. "The child was brought to Australia for that purpose (of sex worker) .... Twice, not just once." She was sentenced to nine years in prison.
(Source- QMI Agency)

Top 2-Road rage parking ‘victim’ can only recall other driver’s boobs


A motorist who claims his car was rammed in a car parking dispute can only remember one distinctive feature about the other driver – her boobs. Police in San Francisco are struggling to solve the case with just a detailed description of the woman’s cleavage to go on. The distracted man claims his car was rammed by the busty female earlier this week before she fled the scene. Police were quickly on the scene but were left with a few unanswered questions after taking a statement from the distracted witness. While her licence plate number and make of car escaped his attention, there was one thing that really stuck in his mind. ‘The victim was able to describe the suspect as having a low cut dress,’ Park Station police officer Greg Corrales said, adding he was also ‘able to give a detailed description of the suspect’s cleavage

Top 1-New cereal claims you’ll crave sex after breakfast (video)

WTVJ’s Justin Finch takes a look at a new breakfast cereal, being marketed to folks in Florida, which claims to be an all-natural aphrodisiac

Judul: New cereal crave sex after eating, road rage victim only recall driver boobs and resignation letter on a cake
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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